דף הבית » Website Development for Business Promotion: Itay Verchik » Facebook Advertising
Facebook Advertising
- Itay Verchik | Web Development and Internet Marketing
דף הבית » Website Development for Business Promotion: Itay Verchik » Facebook Advertising
At the inception of Facebook.
A few users wondered and questioned how the company sought to make their profits from simply creating a site that helped people connect with their loved ones.
Years past and the platform moved from just being a social media platform to becoming one of the biggest advertising platforms of all time, called Facebook advertising.
This article will show you everything you need to know about Facebook advertising as a means of giving your business a face and boosting your business sales. You will also learn a bit about the process of creating ads and targeting the right customers.
Unlike Google ads, Facebook doesn’t only let you promote your business. You can also promote a page, a post on the page, or even the activities that took place on the page. For each of these kinds of ads and promotions, there is a reasonable fee.
Also, unlike Google ads where you are charged for advertising only when users interact with your ad, Facebook charges you before the advertisement can be placed. The good thing is that they promise you the number of possible engagements you will get and you see the results.
Social media marketing is almost incomplete without investing some of that budget into Facebook advertising. Facebook ads are a bit more targeted and concentrated on potential customers as they use metrics from Google and various other platforms.
Facebook lets you create custom audiences for your ads. This means that you can target your ads by age, location, gender, friends, interests, workplaces, relationship status, and so much more.
The biggest mistake that some companies make is creating ads without properly targeting them. Let’s say you have a business that sells things for toddlers. You don’t want to carry on creating ads to target just anyone. You have to make it more specific by targeting married women around ages 25 upwards.
There is also a strategy known as retargeting.
This allows you to target customers and potential customers who have visited your social media page or business website at least once.
This is a smart way to target specific audiences because you are sure that you are reaching out to people who are interested in your business.
Another big mistake that businesses make, especially new ones, is creating long and boring ads without any pictures to make them more interesting and easily relatable.
Itay Verchik says that one picture spells out what a thousand words cannot express.
Using high-quality images helps users stay attracted to your ads. You can have your ad written by David Ogilvy himself, if your ad doesn’t contain graphic elements that make it more interesting, you may not meet as many people as you expect.
What type of images should you use in your copy? Simple. Use images of very high quality; images that show faces of people, preferably, people who work at your organization; images with clear texts; and funny or witty images. These are bound to catch the attention of even the busiest humans.
Your ad copy says a lot about your business. However, you don’t want to say too much about it. You must note that it is an ad and not a novel of how your business grew to fame. Your potential customers don’t care about how your business made it big but how you help make people big.
Your Facebook ad copy should follow the basic copywriting rule of attention, interest, desire, and action (AIDA). This strategy simply entails that you grab your reader’s attention first, using the headline of the first paragraph; move on to build interest in them by letting them see how your product has helped others; you can move on further from there to show them what they will benefit from using it too; finally, make them take an action based on the earlier three steps.
Facebook advertising, as mentioned earlier, is one of the biggest tools for social media marketing these days because there are over billions of people on Facebook these days and many more are joining the race – contact me for more details.
Take your business to your customers and experience speedy sales in a very short time.
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